MagPortal articles database
There is an interesting feature on MagPortal (free) articles database: You can select from the subject categories listed in the section ‘Search for Magazine Articles’ and obtain the latest free articles in that category. If checked regularly, it could provide an article or three that your Centre staff may be interested in. You can register and then you can mark useful articles for later retrieval. You can also annotate these articles, which makes SDI even more professional. We have found some quite useful articles for music students using this database.
I have had a request from a teacher about advertising regular in-services on new library developments - especially new databases or developments. I discussed an option of advertising sessions and see who comes. But I think we did try this in various forms in the past, including going to staff meetings to talk about what is new, and they did not succeed. People don't make the time or are too busy. These options that MagPortal and other D/B's have would help degree level staff stay up to date with their research commitments - maybe promote that in liaison and library newsletters?
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