Vote for a Librarian
In an interview with Geraldine Barkworth in Incite April 06, Louis Rosenfeld suggests that the world needs the skills of librarians to be applied more widely in information architecture in all its forms, organising and structuring and labelling content to make it more navigable and searchable. Librarians need to do a better job of welcoming and encourage entrepreneurs in their midst (he argues entrepreneurship is more a gift than a learned skill) to build on the many positives that we have in our skills sets from organising information to customer knowledge.
Hence his theory that librarians are well suited for "public office" because we are trained to value facts and acknowledge our ignorance and make every effort to find the truth.
What he sees as important to the future is that librarianship is a critical skill that has wide application and whenever we feel pessimistic, we should remember we are the "ultimate service professional". Read the full interview for some inspiration!
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