Monday, January 22, 2007

Articles on collaborations and Information architecture from Free Pint

"Convergence Counselling: Integration of IT Departments and Libraries" By Allan Foster
IT departments and LIS departments are increasingly becoming the same thing. Integrating the two services have drawbacks and benefits; Allan Foster examines.
WHAT'S INSIDE: 'Several universities also have converged because of the actual or imagined weaknesses in the management of the individual services.'

"2001 to 2006: Five Years of Information Architecture" By Karen Loasby
Looks back at the last five years in information architecture: it still may be an unfamiliar term to some, but it's now a bustling field.
WHAT'S INSIDE: 'In 2001, most IA literature considered 'search' and 'browse' to be entirely separate concepts and that to 'browse' was inevitably through a hierarchical structure.'
both via

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