Monday, December 17, 2007

Information Services meeting minutes, 13 December 2007

Location: Nelson Quiet Room

Present: Kate (Chair) Apologies: Desia
Rosie (initially) Anne
Jill (minutes)

1.0 Business arising from previous minutes

1.1 G. Drive
All documents should include the library logo, author’s name and date. These should be updated whenever changes are made.

Frances presented her work on Lifelong Information Literacy at the Interns Showcase in the Igloo at Nelson on the 10th of December. Her work, which is still being developed, can be seen online at:

1.3 Library blog
Frances now has administration rights, and all IS staff except Jeffrey are members.
Frances to send an email to all IS staff reminding them how to access the blog.
Kate to investigate adding IS meeting minutes to the blog

1.4 Weeding of G drive
The G drive needs reorganisation and weeding. Where the value of documents is not clear, these will be placed in a temporary folder for review prior to deletion.
Initial weeding and moving items to the temporary folder: Kate & Jeffrey
Review of temporary folder: All IS staff

2.0 OH&S

2.1 Visibility on the Nelson steps from the library
Fitting edges to the steps from the library would improve visibility & thus safety
Action: Kate

2.2 Automatic doors for the Nelson library
Nelson is the only library without automatic doors. These are requested to improve access.
Action: Kate
3.0 Databases

3.1 Evaluation of usage and value of our current databases
Anne has sent through a proforma for comparing databases
Action: Kate and Desia to review this, and continue to work on evaluating the value of our databases.

Anne and Frances have been reviewing exactly what our Emerald Extra subscription provides. They are concerned that only selected journals or sometimes even selected articles are full text. They are discussing with Joy the possibility of customising the subscription to suit our needs.

3.2 Databases page on library website
The databases page on the library website needs to be reviewed and modified. Decisions on the best approach are to await the arrival of Jim

3.3 Catalogue entries for electronic resources
Frances has been investigating providing catalogue records for specific electronic resources by subject area. She aims to implement changes by the start of the 2008 academic year.
Action: Frances to email Rosie with details of what she is doing.

4.0 Online DVD’s

4.1 Bullseye
Jeffrey mentioned that Kangan Batman Tafe had identified the following issues when they were investigating the Bullseye DVDs:
· Inability to trap usage statistics
· Any titles published throughout the year did not become available until the next subscription period


Vocam did a brief presentation for IS staff at the start of the meeting; this proved to be assessment focused, and thus more relevant to teaching staff than the library. They did have other options that related more specifically to the training side that still may be of interest, and will email IS staff with details of how to view some of their material on line.
Action: Rosie to pass on information to the relevant teaching staff in the OH&S area

4.3 Other

Anne has completed a report on online DVD’s..
Action: Anne to forward this to all IS staff for review prior to the next meeting

Further discussion about online DVDs was held over until Anne can be present

5.0 Subject Headings

5.1 Serial solutions subject headings
Ross advised that the serial solutions subject heading that appear in the catalogue are fixed and cannot be changed

5.2 Catalogue subject headings
The catalogue uses LCSH, which can lead to difficulties with things such as spelling (color vs. colour). Cataloguing has advised that we need to maintain LCSH to be compatible with Libraries Australia. There is an Australianised version of LCSH used by Monash and CSIRO that may meet our needs better. It may also be possible to customise the system to provide both LSCH and terminology that is more relevant to our users. Information literacy training or guidelines on the library website may also help. Inconsistencies in cataloguing approaches over time have also caused problems. Further investigations are needed to determine the best approach.

6.0 2008 – Standardised Procedures

Held over until next meeting.

7.0 Other business

7.1 Thanks
Fran proposed a vote of thanks to Rosie and Kathy for their leadership and support throughout the year, which was warmly agreed with.
Jill thanked everyone for their support and help while she was here.
Jeffrey thanked Jill for her help over his first few days.

7.2 Electronic records

Records added to the OPAC as part of the move to serial solutions appear first in the results when doing a quick search in the OPAC. This is because the most recent records are shown first. This can make it harder to search, for example for a specific book. Although electronic records can be excluded from results, it may not be immediately obvious to students how to do this. Showing students how to do this in library training sessions may be the best solution.



At 4:26 PM, Blogger FrancesM said...

Re footers, at present we have a 3-cell table: logo, date, page x of y. How do we nominate the author? by initials with the date?


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