Monday, July 25, 2005

Blogging: Conversation of the 21st Century?

Hello Nelsoners,

Come and join the blog posts and comments here. This blog fills a gap in the industry and it's a nifty little thing besides. My friend Leo is to the right because wouldn't let him go in my profile and it's a warning in general -- mostly to myself -- that if I don't keep my hair short that's what I see in the mirror. Am I talking about my mirror again? Come and join in this web log -- it must be good for something. The Web is full of useful things. ... and useless things. Hm, anyway, what do you think of this or other blogs? which other blogs? Will comments ever escalate? And a hello to Michael when he claps eyes on this.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

What am I?

Should we refer to us with the generic title of 'information professional'? A bit like a teacher calling him/her self an 'educator'. It may make a difference if titles like 'librarian' are outdated, but then again is blandess the answer? Other titles are 'information manager', 'information broker'. Interestingly, there are no real synonyms for the term 'librarian'. Maybe we stick to that? And wear less beige?

If you type in the word 'librarian' in google, then click on [definition] it will take you to some interesting articles and a strange painting called 'the librarian'.

The directory of google is relatively poor on the subject of library and information science. Anyone know a top drawer links based site on library matters worldwide?

With real scope?

Friday, July 08, 2005

Monthly Library Breakfast

I think it would be a good idea to have a monthly breakfast (say at the end of each month) that ALL library staff can go to. This would be beneficial because:

People can share ideas / opinions that they might not get the chance to do with colleagues otherwise.

Creates a sense of team cohesion and belonging for the Library staff.

Can invite speakers on motivational topics to boost morale (not saying that it is at a low point).

What about a tai chi session in the park before work to revitalise the senses??

Venues are open to suggestion so feel free to add preferences with times, days, venues etc.

Breakfast can go for 1 hr and people can swap around so everyone gets to go for the min 30 mins?


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Famous Librarians

Did you know that J Edgar Hoover (Cataloguer for the Library of Congress before he became an FBI agent)and Bat-Girl (the comic book character) were librarians? Also both were involved in law enforcement: Hoover would find out who had library overdues and Bat Girl would bring them to justice (Kapow!).
This site:
lists some famous/infamous librarians. The cliched image of librarians is a staple of many so called 'creative works' but two of the most interesting portrayals of librarians come from Peter Sellers as a Welsh public librarian ('Only two can play') and Bette Davis as a librarian in a small town who refuses to withdraw a book and is branded a communist('Storm Center'). Has anyone out there seen them?