Friday, August 18, 2006

Website Navigation - different models evaluated

This study evaluated six different models for displaying website menus and works through a rationale for selecting one in preference. This site might be useful to help you reflect on website design so you can help those of us who are working on redesigning Staffweb!
Website Navigation Paper

International public perceptions of libraries

Again from June 2006 Incite: Webb's Web - A few months ago OCLC published a document called Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources, based on a survey in 2005, which received over 3,300 responses from information consumers in Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, UK and USA. The findings show that many users are still not aware of the rich variety of electronic resources that they can find in libraries.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

UK supersite - to grass roots collective wisdom?

Courtesy of my favourite ALIA columnist, Kerry Webb is the UK government portal A seemingly good balance between services of all levels of government and the needs of different sectors.
And from the other end of the scale of Internet resources is an article on social bookmarking, a good exposition of this fairly recent phenomenon of shared categorisation of Internet content.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Coaching and Mentoring - report on training

I had the opportunity to attend a coaching and mentoring seminar at University of Melbourne earlier in the month and thought a report on my experience and a link through to the ppt slides used would be of interest.