Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Welcome to Our Library Blog-mark2

Hi library bloggers,
This Blog is for Library professional postings, especially in the areas of Information Services. Specific matters, procedures, ideas as well as big-picture stuff are welcome. Have a look at what gets posted and you will get the idea. Also have a look at the guidelines on the links section of the dashboard so you know where the parameters lie.

As a first new posting, I would like to bring to your attention a particularly interesting web site I tumbled across while doing a reference query (we are still calling them that, but that's another issue).
It comes from Swinburne University, who very kindly have made public via the internet, some notes from a training course for their staff. Those of us who are involved in teaching research skills may find these notes useful:

Friday, August 05, 2005

CRIG forum and Learning Commons

The CAVAL Reference Group forum I attended today was fascinating. VUT & Homesglen gave a run down on setting up their Learning Commons, with before and after pics. For a definition of what Learning Commons are, and background try:
Enabling The Information Commons
by Fiona Bradley Librarian, SBS Radio Resource Centre Sydney ALIA 2004

The bottom line is they were able to obtain innovation funding ($3.5 mill. at VUT) to refurbish their libraries and fill them with PC's. The Commons provide a student centered environment, with a digital approach. Staff are available at all times to support the students with the digital environment, and usually include information services, ITS, lending services and are also starting to include student support workers.

It has been a way of revitalising the libraries, rather than seeing them become marginallised by the move to digital information. They have more of a training and support role enabling the students to get the best of it.

The physical environment encourages collaborative student work, moving away from the "quiet library". Mobile phones are OK, some are allowing food and drink. I don't think they have applied for a liquor license yet!!!