Thursday, June 21, 2007

Mahalo Search Engine

Hi Folks,
I came across a new search engine (Mahalo - Hawaiian for 'thank you').
This is what they say about themselves:
'Mahalo is the world's first human-powered search engine powered by an
enthusiastic and energetic group of Guides. Our Guides spend their
days searching, filtering out spam, and hand-writing the best search
results possible.'

They also have a search link to Google as a default when their own directory search gives a zero or low result - I think some kind of partnership with Google. I tried 'adult learning styles' and got a zero, but links to Google instead.

The look and language is 'youth oriented' and content is strong in areas where young people would tend to look (e.g. Music).
It's in development, and may be worth a look at now and then.